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Individual approach

to every client

+7(925) 545-6806

E-mail: service@wordsmiths.ru


Consecutive interpretation

Consecutive interpretation is one kind of interpretation. The interpreter does the interpretation after the speaker step by step (by sentences or sense-bearing units).

Consecutive interpretation has a number of advantages compared to simultaneous interpretation, the :

  • consecutive interpretation costs less than simultaneous interpretation;
  • the possibility of working with only one consecutive interpreter (for simultaneous interpretation, the presence of at least two specialists is obligatory);
  • the possibility of working without special equipment;
  • the possibility in interpretation anywhere, on the street, in motion, etc.

The most typical situations where consecutive interpretation services are needed:

  • conducting negotiations, including negotiations on the telephone;
  • conducting seminars, meetings, round-table conferences and other business events;
  • conducting briefings, press conferences, presentations, buffet receptions, ceremonies;
  • assistance in quick translation of written documents, when a complete translation is not needed, and it is necessary only to understand the sense;
  • supervision of installation and adjustment of equipment with the assistance of a foreign specialist;
  • providing translation at an exhibition stand;
  • participation of the interpreter in a court session, questioning, signing documents with notary certification and obligatory reading aloud in these cases and other legal procedures;
  • conducting tours in Moscow and the countryside for your foreign guests.

Simultaneous interpretation

Simultaneous interpretation is carried out simultaneously with the speaker’s speech Simultaneous interpretation is generally used at conferences, seminars and other events with a large number of participants and requires the use of special equipment for interpreters (specially equipped cabin), and also for the participants of the event (headphones).

Simultaneous interpretation is used during large-scale events in order to translate the information into several languages simultaneously and to save time.

We always try to find an interpreter the shortest possible time, but it is important to remember that the time needed to find an interpreter very strongly depends on the subject of interpretation, the format and venue of the event and work duration. This is why it is very important to:

  • Place an order for consecutive interpretation beforehand. The sooner you give us the order, the more time and opportunities we have to find the best specialist for.
  • In addition, it is desirable to submit the text materials on the topic of the event beforehand, because this allows the interpreter to prepare better for the event, "to get into the topic" and to perform his or her work at a highly professional level.